Welcome to a place where you can feel your feelings without any pressure to act a certain way. Because everyone deals with sadness differently, and there's no right or wrong way. Let’s get real with our conversations and go beyond the clichés, together.
Who doesn't love a FREE sample? Download Chapter 1 of my book, Unmasking Grief.
For years, I wore different masks—one for work, another at home, and another with friends. (And honestly still do) Each mask said, "I'm fine," while I was anything but on the inside. The relentless pursuit of work masked my emotions until my health began to crack under the pressure. This pushed me on a journey to heal my body and peel back the layers of my soul (it's a work in progress). In caring for my elderly grandparents, as well as the loss of family, colleagues, and friends, I realized that I had years of Grief (from different types of losses) that I never processed. Now, I'm here to guide others ready to remove their masks and embrace their true selves amidst grief and heartache.
Read my story
Unmasking Grief
Are you wondering: Why me? Where is God? What now?

Life won’t pause for your grief and the million questions circling in your mind. Why did this happen? What do I do now? How can I grieve when there is so much to do? I can't fall apart because I need to be strong for my family.
Pressing pause or burying your grief in busyness is only a temporary fix. If you continue to avoid or push it off to the side, it will catch up to you (or at least that’s what happened to me).
Real talk: Your grief will always be there, but will evolve over time. It’s will be a messy and an ugly-cry kind of a journey because let's face it, time doesn't heal all wounds. But it’s about finding ways to honor your feelings and figuring out what works best for you and where you are today— when you’re ready.
Grab a copy of Unmasking Grief, and let’s dive in and discover how to carry your grief. Remember, you’re not alone.
Get Your Copy on AmazonWhat People Are Saying
Now What?
Grab Your FREE Grieving Greatly Toolkit

Grieving doesn’t follow a set timeline, and for many, the pain and challenges persist well beyond the initial stages. If you’ve been navigating loss for 12-18 months or more, the Grieving Greatly Toolkit is here for you.
This thoughtfully curated collection of resources provides ongoing support, fresh perspectives, and practical tools to help you continue working through your grief, honoring your loved one, and finding moments of light in your healing process.
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These are heartfelt, thought-filled content minus the typical cliches. You'll get exclusive resources, practical tips, and more that won't be on social media. Let's stay connected to learn and grow from each other on this emotional rollercoaster as we navigate caregiving and grief one day, one moment at a time.